Public Visitation
Hours Today: Open 10:00am - 3:00pmLaurena G. Chambers Gift Shop
Hours Today: Open 9:30am - 3:00pmSAVE THE DATE: March 12th, 2022
Event hosted by Whova: Download the App today!
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Alison is excited to inspire youth to dive into a successful career fueled by passion, dreams, and the desire to make waves of change!
Named “Female Indiana Jones” by Time Magazine, Alison Teal is an explorer, filmmaker, and conservationist. After graduating from UC Berkley and USC film school, she wanted to share the cultures she had been surrounded by in her youth. Her film series, Alison’s Adventures, seeks to educate and entertain viewers on her worldwide adventures.
Christy Kehoe
Kelly MoranJamie Zaccaria
Jason Robertshaw
Lisa Mulcahy
Chris Nolan
Maggie Pletta
Jonathan Lavan
Lidia Morales
Derek Sabori
Vipe Desai
Dr. Mark Okihiro
Nova Southeastern University (FL) |
SUNY Maritime College (NY) |
University of Plymouth (UK) |
University of Southampton (UK) |
Exhibitor Live Sessions (PST): Central Methodist University 10:00-1:00, Hawaii Pacific University 10:00-2:00, Suny Maritime College 10:00-3:00, US Coast Guard Academy 10:00-3:00, University of New England 10:00-10:30, University of North Carolina Wilmington 9:00-10:00, University of Plymouth 11:00-1:00, University of Southampton 10:30-11:00, University of Washington 1:00-2:40
***Please visit the exhibitor booths to RSVP for their live sessions***
Steps Below: Registering for Event